Complex Angioplasty is indicated for patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass surgery.
Coronary angioplasty also called PCI or PTCA – is a minimally invasive procedure that helps treat coronary heart disease (blocked coronary arteries) by improving the blood supply to the heart muscle, through widening and opening of the narrowed coronary arteries . It is used to stop heart attacks in progress, treat chest pain (angina), and restore blood flow through the coronary arteries.
The procedure of coronary angioplasty is performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (or cath lab) by a specialized Interventional cardiologist. Angiogram is performed prior to an angioplasty. From the digital pictures thus obtained of the contrast material, one can find out whether the coronary arteries are narrowed. The two types of angioplasty techniques are balloon angioplasty and stenting.