Coronary angiography is performed to image the anatomical and structural details of the vascular system, including the cardiac chambers. The procedure is performed to see if there’s a restriction or clogging of blood vessels.
It is indicated in following cases
1) Thoracic and Abdominal aneurysm
2) Diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease
3) Coronary artery aneurysm
4) Peripheral vascular disease
5) Vascular malformations.
During this procedure, a type of dye or medication is injected into the blood vessels of heart. The X-ray machine rapidly takes a series of x-ray images known as Angiograph, which offers a look at your blood vessels. It can also be used therapeutically to unclog the clogged vessels and is known as Angioplasty.
The procedure is performed by making a small cut in the skin over 1 of the arteries (femoral artery is preferred), usually near your groin or wrist local anesthetic is used to numb the area so it patients doesn’t feel any pain. A catheter is inserted into the artery and is carefully guided to the area being examined, a special dye is injected through the catheter and a series of X-rays are taken as the dye flows through your blood vessels.
This test is also used to study narrow, blocked, enlarged, or malformed arteries or veins in many other parts of your body, example brain, abdomen, and legs. Complications of the procedure are stroke, infection, bleeding, allergic reaction and etc.